The basis of Tryouts is to identify and group players of like ability. Tryouts can be a stressful period for players and families. In attempt to combat this, the club begins its player identification process early and does not discount a player’s history within the NorCo Rush program. Players are evaluated on their technical abilities, tactical capabilities, psychological traits and overall physical attributes. In our 41 year history, no player has ever been turned away due to financial constraints and every attempt is made to find a team for every player.
U14 players born in 2009
U15 players born in 2008
U16 players born in 2007
U17 players born in 2006
U18 players born in 2005
U19 players born in 2004
Date: Sunday, November 6, 2022
2007, 2008 12:00-1:00 PM
2004, 2005, 2006 1:00-2:00 PM
Location: Heath Middle School Turf Field
2223 16th Street, Greeley
Players unable to attend tryouts and/or want additional information, contact Andy Green, Director of Coaching,
NorCo Rush’s player-centered approach, backed with a national-level program and elite-level coaching, provides a positive playing and learning environment that fosters long-term player development and personal growth. We strive to provide our players with the highest quality soccer training and development in every season.
Northern Colorado Rush
4681 West 20th Street, #203
Greeley, Colorado 80634
Phone: 970-351-6255
“Where the Trails of Passion and Purpose Meet, Begins the Path to Victory"
Mon - Virtually Only
Tues-Fri 11:00-5:00PM
Available via email 24/7; please allow up to 24 hours for a response.