Hawaii Rush

Northern Colorado Rush




Northern Colorado Rush offers numerous opportunities to help pay for your players’ soccer fees. Check out some of our programs below like King Soopers Rewards Program, or our multi child discount. 

The Nick J. LoRusso Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Nick J. LoRusso “I Know a Guy” Memorial Scholarship Fund is a Colorado based, family run, nonprofit corporation which provides funding to Colorado soccer players of all ages and development.  The fund was created in 2013 following the passing of Nick J. LoRusso, who was an avid supporter of Colorado soccer.   

Since its inception in 2013, the NJL Scholarship Fund has provided thousands of dollars to players and clubs alike.  With each passing year, the fund has been able to extend its reach to provide assistance to more kids and families throughout the State. 

The application process:
  ANY individual can apply on behalf of ANY player in need.
Scholarship deadlines are
February 15th and August 15th of each year.  Award will be funded 30 days thereafter. The application is available in web-format at http://nickjlorusso.org/scholarship-application/, or in hard-format by emailing a request to contact@nickjlorusso.org.  Funds can be allocated to any purpose that best fits the needs of the recipient (i.e. team fees, uniforms, equipment, and travel). Additionally, applications can be sent in at any time of the year, and decisions on funding are made as applications are received. *incomplete applications will not be considered.


Northern Colorado Rush continues their longstanding relationship as a registered organization with King Soopers Community Rewards. NorCo Rush is committed to aiding families fund their player’s soccer as easy as swiping their loyalty card shopping at King Soopers. Link “Northern Colorado Rush” to your card and start earning money for your player. 

King Soopers Community Rewards makes donating to Northern Colorado Rush Players as easy as swiping your loyalty card while you shop. Link “Northern Colorado Rush” to your card and start earning money for your player.

How to sign-up?

  1. Visit www.KingSoopers.com to learn more.
    *Please note, you will need to register an account with KingSoopers.com to complete the process.
  2.  Once enrolled and signed in, select Community Rewards under My Account on the sidebar.
  3.  Search for Northern Colorado Rush or EA943
  4.  Select Northern Colorado Rush and start earning while you shop!

If you already have a digital account, you will need to ensure you have a Loyalty Card linked to your account.

Sign into your account

  1. Sign into your account
  2. Under My Account on the sidebar, select Community Rewards
  3. Search Developmental Disabilities Resource Center Northern Colorado Rush or EA943
  4. Select Northern Colorado Rush and start earning while you shop!

How do I view my King Soopers Community Rewards details?
Wondering how much you’ve earned? You can view the total you earned during the past quarter in your account details. Remember you will have to wait for a quarter to pass once you have registered your loyalty card to view your giving totals!

How do I receive my rewards?
Fill out this google form (
LINK) and attach your statement(s) for payment. Statements are available on April 30, July 31, October 31, January 31. Please include anyone else’s statement who has designated Northern Colorado Rush as their non-profit. You will receive a check for 99% of what is submitted and the club collects 1%.

Need more help?
We are here to help, please do not hesitate to reach out for help signing up! Contact us at admin@norcorush.com for more assistance.


New Paragraph

Andrew Borg was a soccer dad, raising five sons, all of whom played for Bootleggers Soccer Club (now Northern Colorado Rush). He was a board member and former President for years, as well as a referee and coach. He worked diligently growing soccer in Weld County. Behind the scenes he helped players by covering cost of cleats, club fees, and uniforms. He was instrumental in bringing varsity soccer to District #6. The MVP of the boys West/Central high school game is awarded in his name. He was an avid supporter of Bootleggers and believed soccer was a terrific game that builds character and teaches young people how to persevere and be resilient.

In October of 1992, the soccer community was devastated by his sudden passing. The Greeley Central boys soccer team suggested that a fund at Bootleggers be setup to collect donations in his name and a portion of players fees be set aside in that fund. Today the Borg Helping Hand fund provides financial support to players who might not have an opportunity to participate.

We are proud to offer the Andrew Borg Helping Hand Policy. The sole purpose of this policy is to give every player an opportunity to play the game they love. Since the inception of this club, no player has ever been turned away due to financial issues. Northern Colorado Rush (NorCo Rush) does not receive any outside funding for the competitive league program making the Andrew Borg Helping Hand Fund a cornerstone of our club.

To Request Assistance: 

On a mobile device:  Sign into your PlayMetrics account. Navigate to the "Programs" tab located on the bottom menu. Select the dropdown arrow next to "Programs" on the top left hand side of the screen and click “Financial Aid”. Next, select the Player(s) that need aid and fill out the financial aid request form. Once you have completed the form click the “Submit Request” button. Finally, you will see a pop-up message informing you that your request had been submitted and you will receive a notification and email by the Club when a decision regarding your financial aid request has been made. 

On a desktop:  Sign into your PlayMetrics account. To request financial aid, navigate to Club Programs located in the left-hand menu, and click the “Financial Aid” tab in the resulting view. From here, you can review the Club’s financial aid policy prior to requesting assistance. Click the "Request Financial Aid" button to begin the financial aid request process. Next, select the Player(s) that need aid and fill out the financial aid request form. Once you have completed the form click the “Submit Request” button. Finally, you will see a pop-up message informing you that your request had been submitted and you will receive a notification and email by the Club when a decision regarding your financial aid request has been made. 

Para Solicitar Asistencia:

En un dispositivo móvil:
Inicia sesión en tu cuenta de PlayMetrics. Navega a la pestaña "Programas" ubicada en el menú inferior. Selecciona la flecha desplegable junto a "Programas" en la esquina superior izquierda de la pantalla y haz clic en “Ayuda Financiera”. Luego, selecciona al(los) jugador(es) que necesitan ayuda y completa el formulario de solicitud de ayuda financiera. Una vez que hayas completado el formulario, haz clic en el botón “Enviar Solicitud”. Finalmente, aparecerá un mensaje emergente informándote que tu solicitud ha sido enviada y recibirás una notificación y un correo electrónico del Club cuando se haya tomado una decisión sobre tu solicitud de ayuda financiera.

En una computadora de escritorio:
Inicia sesión en tu cuenta de PlayMetrics. Para solicitar ayuda financiera, navega a “Programas del Club” ubicado en el menú del lado izquierdo y haz clic en la pestaña “Ayuda Financiera” en la vista que aparece. Desde aquí, puedes revisar la política de ayuda financiera del Club antes de solicitar asistencia. Haz clic en el botón "Solicitar Ayuda Financiera" para comenzar el proceso de solicitud de ayuda financiera. Luego, selecciona al(los) jugador(es) que necesitan ayuda y completa el formulario de solicitud de ayuda financiera. Una vez que hayas completado el formulario, haz clic en el botón “Enviar Solicitud”. Finalmente, aparecerá un mensaje emergente informándote que tu solicitud ha sido enviada y recibirás una notificación y un correo electrónico del Club cuando se haya tomado una decisión sobre tu solicitud de ayuda financiera.

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