As a parent/legal guardian of a child involved with the Rush Soccer Club, I agree to abide by and follow these expectations and norms:
- I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the athletes above my personal desire to win.
- I will remember that my child plays soccer for his/her enjoyment, not mine.
- I will encourage good sportsmanship through my actions by demonstrating positive support for all players.
- I will provide support for coaches and officials working with the athletes to provide a positive experience for all.
- I will demand that my athletes treat all players, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, gender, or ability.
- I will treat all players, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators with dignity. I will not use improper language or demonstrate poor attitude, behavior, or mannerisms.
- I will cheer for my child and his/her team and allow the coach to do his/her job of coaching.
- I understand that making physical contact with any coach, player (except hugging my child or attending to injured players), or officials will result in expulsion from the club.
- I will not taunt any player, coach, official, parent, family member, or spectator.
We want our coaches to be focused on their players, not parents and spectators. Our players should enjoy their experience, especially on game day, and not have adults interfere with games in a negative manner.