Hawaii Rush

Northern Colorado Rush

Player's code of conduct

All Players

  1. …are committed to the Rush Cause. The Rush Way extends far beyond just one team or even just one club. There is a fundamental belief that no matter what we do, we want to strive to be the best. In all parts of our organization, we endeavor to push the envelope and take American soccer to heights not yet reached and in some cases not yet imagined. 
  2. …participate in the Rush Programs beyond just the competitive soccer program. Constant learning is a part of being a great player. Rush players are well-rounded people and are more than soccer players and athletes. 
  3. …practice the Rush Core Values. Before players can become the best player they can be, they must work on becoming the best person they can be. One has everything to do with the other. Rush players exude character.
  4. …are consistently striving to be top performers within their respective teams. Competition breeds results and without it, development will always be limited. That competition begins within each team and is originated by the desire in each player to compete, improve and achieve success.
  5. …are strong willed, courageous and adventurous. Players understand that perseverance is necessary no matter what they are participating in. They fight through struggles, embrace challenges and are willing to find and try new methods of reaching their goals. 
  6. …are young professionals.  The level of a player does not matter when it comes to being a young pro. A pro shows up to do his or her job on both good days and bad. A pro is constantly looking to learn, to be the best and to hold themselves accountable. 
  7. …believe and trust in that which the coach is teaching to the team. This does not mean the player must agree with everything the coach says or does. It does mean however, that the player must trust and believe in what the coach stands for and what the coach is working hard to accomplish. Trust and respect must be found in both player and coach. 
  8. …communicate openly and honestly with teammates and coaches. We all know there will be good days and bad. In either case, communication is critical. Communication can help spread good news and celebration and it can also stop potential disasters from ever happening. This skill is as important as passing the ball. 
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